Fertilizer Products
V-V Enterprises is proud to announce the addition and distribution of the Ag Concepts line of Biological supplements to our existing line of products. In an effort to make these beneficial products available for farming, municipalities, and other areas concerned with healthy soil conditions; we now distribute the following products for growers:
AgCor– Provides enzymes, nutrients and co-factors to increase microbial activity in the soil. Easily applied through irrigation, AgCor mineralizes nutrients already in the soil making them more available to the plant. Increased microbial activity leads to more organic matter in the soil.
(click for a download of the brochure)
Enhance– Foliar applied fertilizer (includes the AgCor ingredients). Foliar application is the most efficient way to apply nutrients because the nutrients are taken in immediately through the cell wall. Timing can also be an advantage with foliar application if applied when the plant is going from the vegetative to reproductive stage of growth, or when it is recovering from stress. Enhance is also compatible with most pesticides.
(click for a download of the brochure)
SuperHume– 6% Humic acid with kelp extract included for stress. It offers the highest quality Humic acid available. Ag Concepts also uses the finest leonardite available (found In North Dakota) and a multi-extraction process that allows us to use more compounds from the leonardite. The Kelp found in SuperHume comes from one of the most extreme environments in the world (off the northeastern coast of North America).
(click for a download of the brochure)
Pervaide– Soil penetrant, with AgCor ingredients included. Reduce crusting, loosen hard clay soils, and help oxygen and water reach plant roots. Chemically and biologically active Pervaide, lowers the surface tension of the water and adds the benefit of AgCor to the biology of the soil. Pervaide uses the highest quality surfactant to help, not hurt, the soil biology. Other products use damaging chemicals like ethylene glycol, and isopropyl alcohol.
(click for a download of the brochure)
Sulphate of Potassium-(Potash) – lab analysis available
For more information on any of these high quality products, please call Tony at 209-605-0077, or visit the contact page on this website.